viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Week 9. Past Continuous.

Hello class

We have learned how to use past simple tense. It is used to express actions made. But in this chance we will learn how to tell action that were happening in a paticular  past time. Have fun checking the material and doing the activities for this lesson !


Introduction to past simple tense

Here you can look  the structure of this time tense

And here you can check how to use it and some examples

Interesting Sources
Click on the link below. It's a video showing more examples of past progressive usage. Hope you enjoy it !


This is a listening activity. On each green rectangle there is a sentence. Then you need to click on it to listen the sentence hidden. The idea is writing it in the yellow rectangle. You can listen to each hidden sentence whenever you need to. Good luck !

Past Progressive Test

Past Progressive Test



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