sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Week 12 Past Progressive & Information Questions

Hello class !

This time we will learn how to use information questions using the past progressive tense. It is just simple. It's used to ask for things that were happening in an specific moment. Good Luck !



Here you can find a match activity. The sentences are scrambled. Then what you must do is matching the correc clause (what, why, where,etc.) with the correct sentence. Good Luck !


As usual is now time to test your understandings about the topic. It is a test made in educaplay. There are some phrases you will need to build up an information question sentence using Past Progressive. Good Luck !

Interesting Sources

Here you can find more exercises about past progresive tense and information questions. But these exercises has also the answers for each question. Hope this can help you a lot !

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